Council of Europe using LAPIS
Do you know how the Council of Europe benefits from LAPIS?
How to schedule graphic events in Profuz LAPIS
Do you know you can schedule secondary events in the playlists creation in Profuz LAPIS?
Browsing files in LAPIS
Did you know Profuz LAPIS can browse multiple storage system from a single dashboard?
Planning broadcasting schedules in LAPIS
Did you know Profuz LAPIS can help you plan and streamline your TV and Radio broadcasts?
Automatic speech to text and machine translations in LAPIS
Did you know that Profuz LAPIS improves the media accessibility and localization processes incorporating the latest AI technologies for speech to text, text to speech and machine translation into the content creation chain? Automatic transcription, translation and voice synthesis of digital assets with various engines speed up the work of the creative teams and open up the doors of the content creators to wider audiences.
News creation and publishing in LAPIS
Did you know that Profuz LAPIS helps you organize your entire news production and publishing processes?
Image annotations in LAPIS
Various image annotations capabilities in Profuz LAPIS and how you can search them and share selected image areas.
Secure login with passkeys in LAPIS from any device
In this video we demonstrate how you can securely login to LAPIS using passkeys on Windows and Android devices. You can also use this functionality on any other device supporting passkeys, including MAC OS and iOS devices.
Audiovisual files and documents management in LAPIS
Various ways of ingesting, storing and transferring audiovisual and document files inside Profuz LAPIS and from/to connected external providers.
LAPIS transcoding capabilities
How to create transcoding profiles, initiate and monitor transcoding processes such as conversions, watermarking, audio extraction and so on.
Watermarking and DRM in LAPIS
How to use DRM, Watermarking and edit files in Profuz LAPIS
Storyboards and playlists in LAPIS
Profuz LAPIS tools for creation, export and publishing of scheduled playlists to various NLE systems, VOD platforms and linear TV channels playout systems
Metadata fields in LAPIS
In this video we demonstrate how you can import files with metadata fields as well as how you can create and edit metadata fields inside Profuz LAPIS
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